Who is Rose Lalonde?

Name: Rose Lalonde

Source media: Homestuck

Age: 13 at the beginning of the comic. 16 at the end.

Date of birth: December 4th, 1995

Astrological sign: Sagittarius (like me!)

Appearance: her hair appears white on her sprite, but has been confirmed to be blonde. She has bangs and a bob. She has purple eyes (#b536da, the same color she types in), though this could just be a style choice.. She wears black lipstick. Her basic outfit consists of a short-sleeved T-shirt with her symbol, a skirt, a headband, sneakers, and socks, all white. Her race is ambiguous.

Classpect: seer of light. Classpecting is a sort of archetyping within Sburb, a fictional game played in Homestuck. It relates to the character's journey and personality. Rose is a hero of light. Light represents knowledge, luck, relevance, and just general existence. It's opposite is void. Light players tend to be confident, well-read, and maybe just a bit (a lot) self centered. Seers have the ability to see the future, but their abilities are typically limited to their aspect. Rose, being a seer of light, can see relevant or important events. Seers gain more insight into the game than other players, and are meant to share this information with their team. In relation to their aspects, the definition of a seer is to know one's aspect, and, since it is a passive class, to use their knowledge to guide their team. So, essentially, Rose's role is to know knowledge! Pretty fitting for her, if you ask me...

Personality: Rose is intelligent, well versed in the art of snark, and can be closed off at times. Rose, like all Homestuck characters, has many interests and and perhaps not enough hobbies, including psychoanalysis, creative writing, knitting, fictitious beasts, or "the zoogically dubious", and wizards. She plays the violin and her associated element is water.

Canonical relationships

Here is her introduction in the comic.

Rose's Mom: Prior to her death, Rose views all of her Mom's actions as passive aggressive actions and challenges. Though her Mom is really just trying to connect with her, it's not all Rose's fault she views her mom in such a bad way, for her mom is an alchoholic and implied to be sort of neglectful.

art by steakbatter on tumblr!

art by 8bitsk8r on tumblr!

art by baker-hime on tumblr!

Leviathan, the Girl, a Rose Lalonde fansong by PhemieC.